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House Geckos


This gecko  may be found on the immediate outside or inside of homes. It tends to hide in closets and behind hanging picture frames. It is often seen feeding on insects around lights or crawling on walls.
It is  pale in colour and its skin is smooth. 


(Left) - This patterned gecko is more plump and appears to be the Amerafrican House Gecko (Hemidactylus mabouia). In addition to crawling on the outside of homes I found it hiding under rocks, nestled closely with other insects and soldier crabs. 

Notice the smoothness of the skin when enlarged. 


This is a more common house gecko seen throughout Anguilla. In this photo claws are clearly seen, it's pattern is distinct and tiny "spikes" are apparent on it's skin.

Note: Geckos are easily screened out of homes.